Happy Birthday CocoaBrownCurlsXo
Wow! I cannot believe it has already been an entire year! For those of you who may not know, a year ago my amazing husband gifted me with a piece of paper that spoke volumes to my life. He went behind my back and took on the mission of federally trademarking CocoaBrownCurlsXo without me knowing. In the moment of him telling me about it he was so excited and anxious, and I, well I honestly just looked at him with a blank stare! “Trademark?! For me?! Why? Why would you want to trademark this? I don’t even know what this is yet!” Talk about an ungrateful response! I have since thanked him a million times, and hence he’s the inspiration behind this blog post…love you lover!
Let’s rewind for a moment back to January 2016 right before I first decided to take this passion of mine onto the “Big Screen” a.k.a Youtube! I had absolutely no clue what I was doing, I had no clue where to start, and I had no clue of where I ultimately wanted to go. What I did however have was a husband who has this weird ability to provide me with awesome ideas. For example, after over 100 attempts of me naming “this” it took him roughly 7 minutes to come up with CocoaBrownCurls and I proudly threw in the Xo. I mean, I couldn’t let him do it all! So now I had a passion, a name, and a Youtube channel. Now what?! I spent the next year and a half getting my feet wet. I went to a few events, took some pictures, threw up a few videos for good measure. I wouldn’t call myself a true blogger/vlogger/influencer to say the least. I was missing the most important piece to the puzzle. I didn’t believe in myself so I half assed it and made excuses. Fast forward to the moment that changed it all, when my husband took it upon himself to force me to act official. August 2017 was such a turning point for me because it made me realize that although I didn’t believe in myself he believed in me. Although I didn’t always act like I had what it took, he knew that with effort and support I could reach so many of my goals.
August 2017 I was slapped in the face with the reality that sometimes people believe in us more than we believe in ourselves and most times it is the push that we need to be great! And Oh boy (I love you Joe Battle) did I take that reality and go be great! Looking back on the last year I have had an outpouring of amazing opportunities come my way! I have tried to share so many with you all, and honestly some I have known about for months but I’m just not allowed to share the great news yet….but patience curlfriends! So with that being said, I want to take a moment to (quickly) list out some of the great opportunities I’ve had so let’s dive into the last 12 months shall we……
August 2017
- My husband Federally trademarked CocoaBrowncurlsXo and forced me to boss up! It was the most thoughtful gift I had ever received and is truly the fire that drives me. I don’t want to let him down.
September 2017
- 9/16 I attended the 1-year anniversary party of SouthernCurl Salon! So far this is the only salon in ATL that I have trusted with my curls. The entire team always does a great job at giving my curls life (Check out the Blog Post)
- 9/16 I had a photoshoot in Atlantic Station to add some new pics to my portfolio and get back into the swing of things. I was fresh into a serious healthy lifestyle journey and loving my new stance (Check out the Blog Post)
- It took a few weeks but I was really beginning to believe I could take my passion further than I previously allowed myself to believe
October 2017
- 10/2 Launched my 1st website as I laid out on the sand in West Palm Beach Florida! I remember being so excited for all that was to come. This also happened to be my 7 year wedding anniversary (Heyyy Lover!)
- 10/4 Wrote my 1st blog post “You Bloggin or Nah” (Check out the Blog Post)
- 10/6 Purchased from and collaborated with @BlackVibeTribe
- 10/7 Followed my gut and pure instinct and blindly signed up for 1K1Day with Nicole Walters. It was a brilliant spur of the moment decision that ultimately changed my entire entrepreneur mentality and would later help to open various doors for me as a creative. If you don’t know who Nicole Walters is just google her and thank me later (Heyyy RichFriends!) Check out our mini love fest here!
- 10/9 As part of a wedding anniversary gift my husband put my logo on the front of my truck making me realize how important it is for me to rock my brand everywhere
- 10/16 Wrote my 4th blog post “Be About your Paper Ma” based on my purchase from @BlackVibeTribe (Check out the Blog Post)
- 10/18 Officially became a brand ambassador and affiliate for The Puff Cuff. Founder Ceata Lash was the first person to give me a chance and from that moment I began to believe I could really do this
- 10/29 Attended the Taliah Waajid Curls, Kinks, & Culture Music Festival (Check out the Video & Blog Post)
November 2017
- 11/4 Ayva had her very first Devacut at SouthernCurl Salon! 5 years of hair growth and she did an amazing job for her first time in a salon chair (Check out the Video)
- 11/5 I attended “The Curl Revolution” book tour at SouthernCurl Salon and met the author and co-founder of NaturallyCurly.com Michelle Breyer (Check out the Video & Blog Post)
- 11/12 My first collaboration with @PuffCuff for the “Luxe Holiday Toolbox” (Check out the Video)
December 2017
- I could feel myself beginning to take a much needed mental reset. I needed to stop for a moment and think about the direction that I wanted to go in. Being a creative, there are so many various routes that I hadn’t even considered when I first started. I began to feel overwhelmed and the imposter syndrome was certainly kicking in
- Started creating t-shirts (Check out the SHOP section of the website after 8/13/18)
- 12/23 I had my very first brand consultation call with Kenya Kelly, creator of If You Brand It and Return of The Curls , where she provided me with great tips and helped me to better outline my goals
January 2018
- Announced the “Curly Kids Can Read” book club that we will be starting with Ayva and Ayson very soon. I’m realizing that their love of education and reading is something we can share with other kids just like them. Be sure to stay tuned for those details
- 1/13 1st BBU (Black Bloggers United) Atlanta event. I decided to join this group in order to learn from and grow with other local bloggers. As I continued to obtain content and blog ideas I wanted to learn how I could grow my blog and possibly monetize it. I’ve met some really awesome people this past year just from joining this group
- Seen pics of myself on PuffCuff website rocking the African print head wrap. I can’t even begin to explain how awesome it felt to randomly scroll the website looking for new finds and see myself
- 1/15 1 year without adding any heat to my hair including flat iron or stretching using a blow dryer. I had added so much heat in 2016 and my curls were certainly paying for it
- 1/22 Devacut at SoutherCurl Salon to eliminate the last bit of heat damage I caused from all of the added heat in 2016
- 1/25 Received my branded shoes from BanksOriginals because wearing my brand everywhere just feels right at this point
- 1/28 Helped to host the Curly Mommy & Me event at SouthernCurl Salon. Over 20 Mommy and kid combos came to learn about products and techniques, there were live tutorials and even on site curl consultations provided by the stylist (Check out the Video & Blog Post)
February 2018
- 2/6 Invited to be a part of the Ditch The Band Photoshoot and Video Shoot with The Puff Cuff team (the FB ad featuring me currently has over 47k views)
- 2/28 Became a 2018 SheaMoisture Sheabassador and all of this ish JUST.GOT.REAL #MamaIMadeIt. This was literally my FIRST goal once I decided to start my blog/vlog and when I got the email I just burst into tears. My husband was right by my side and knew how much this moment meant to me
- Received my Affiliate Link information from PuffCuff (use code “Cocoa” for 15% off your purchase of $15 or more on thepuffcuff.com)
- 2/18 Photoshoot with Mecca Gamble channeling all of my Gabrielle Union and #blackgirlmagic
Cocoa Brown Curls 2017
Cocoa Brown Curls 2017
- 2/19 Invited to join the “Curl Girls & Haircare” Podcast taping with Ebony Colina. This was my first ever podcast and I was so honored and excited to be a part of this. I didn’t know what to expect but it really just felt like really good girl talk about curls, love, and life. Be sure to visit her website here for all of your Thyroid Warrior information
March 2018
- March into Moisture
- Launched my 1st social media content mini series where we discussed various moisture tips, tricks, and techniques for the month via FB and IG Live and through post. I was just starting to understand the power of social media for brands and increasing my audience engagement. Social media is a SERIOUS TOOL for growing brands and businesses
- Reached over 10k views on DTB Promo Video
- Became a Content Contributor for Txture Mag….at this point in the year I’m SPEECHLESS and thinking how is this my life right now?!
- 3/6 Boys with Curls Blog Post using Manuka Honey & Yogurt line by Sheamoisture (Check out the Video & Blog Post)
- 3/8 Weekend trip to see my bestfriend in San Francisco. Who doesn’t love a weekend spent in Wine Country, and complete with shopping and late night talks
- 3/8 Photoshoot with Mecca Gamble featured on NY&Co Social Media
- 3/22 iHeart Radio guest appearance to celebrate Women’s Month. Again my husband was right by my side cheering me on! I currently have an open ended invitation for a second guest appearance…hmmm Fall Curl Talk anyone?
- 3/24 Attended Mommy & Me Yoga with Ayva to work on improving our mental clarity and calming techniques (Check out the Video)
- 3/31 Attended the BBUAtl Blogger Brunch where I continued to grow and be inspired by so many other dope local bloggers like @iamkrissylewis
April 2018
- Added the “Work with Me” tab onto the website giving other curlfriends an additional resource and place of support on this journey
- 4/1 1st Sheabassador Box Video (Check out the Video)
- 4/7 Ayson, Ayva and I were models for the PuffCuff DTB (Ditch The Band) Event at ATLGathers. We had an absolute blast (Check out the Video)
- 4/21 Attended the 2018 Taliah Waajid World Natural Hair Show
- This was my first opportunity to work alongside the Sheamoisture Marketing team
- I got to meet the Owner of SheaMoisture, Richelieu Dennis
- I got to meet Mahogany Curls (#FanGirlMoment) who was working with As I Am brand this year
- I had the opportunity to be the SheaMoisture Hair Model on stage during the Sunday show (Check out the Video)
- Dinner with Kenya Kelly in Atlanta while she was in town for an event. Meeting her in person and getting to discuss life goals forced me to push past so many limits I put on myself. I.LOVE.HER and if you don’t know her, look her up!
- A picture of me that we posted on our family social media page (WiggedOut) was featured on the “Influencers” page on VoyageATL.com
May 2018
- 1st CreativeGirlHangout Event where I got to meet and hang out with Janee Barbre, Kilahmazing and other creative girlies
- I got the opportunity to Interview Cairo Williams. Cairo is the creator of Clock and Flow, the current face of Tokyo Fashion Express and fashion model with YBLimited model management (Check out the Video and Blog Post)
June 2018
- Photoshoot at Cam Kirk Studios with Curlfluence (Yes, I am also a #Curlfluencer) using the TreLuxe product line
- 6/9 & 6/10 I attended Summit21 as a Media correspondent for Txture Mag. That weekend changed me forever for the better. I can’t even put it all into words here, check out the blog post to find out how EPIC that weekend was (Check out the Blog)
- 1st Published article in TxtureMag where I breakdown the Summit21 two-day event….seriously, is this my life right now?! #HeySJP
July 2018
- Interviewed by VoyageATL for “The Trailblazers: Rewritting the Narrative”
- On the set of Sister Circle Live TV with TxtureMag for all the BTS moments
- 7/23 2nd Published article in TxtureMag where I’m giving you details of all the BTS of Monifa Coffee, Editor in Chief, during her segment giving great Summer Hair Care
- 7/28 Teamed up with Team Puff Cuff for the Atlanta Public Schools Back to School event at the Georgia World Convention Center
August 2018
- 8/5 Attended the Tailored Beauty in store event at Kinks & Curls Atl. As a curlfluencer I got a chance to be a hair Model for the event and received full size bottles of the products (Check out the video)
- 8/11 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME. I was able to grab a ticket from Nia herself for the “I am not my hair” tour with @NiaTheLight (This blog was posted the night before the event so check back for the update of how amazing it was)
- 8/12 Guest on the Official “I’m So Insecure” Podcast with host Del Wayne (FuturisticBlogger) of The Shade Files. If you know me you know I’m here for all things Issa, Molly, and #Malibu cuz….#WeGotYou. This makes the second podcast of the year for me and I think I’m loving this direction of radio/podcast
WHEW! That’s a lot! It really helps to put things into perspective for me seeing it all written down. I don’t think I was even aware of all of the great events I have been a part of. I tried to include as much as I could remember, and there are certainly a few more that I can’t speak of just yet, but I will be sure to announce them as soon as I get the green light. I am so thankful for all of the opportunities, all of the moments those I admire thought enough of me to include me, and I am grateful to just be in this space. It truly is amazing what the universe will show you when you learn to trust the process. I’m not saying this past year has been easy. Actually, it’s been the furthest from easy because with all of that I am still a wife, mother, and work in corporate healthcare. What I will say is when you are doing something that you love it doesn’t feel like work. I’ve showed up to every event knowing I had a place at that table and truly wanting to learn and grow from everyone around me.
Thank you again to everyone who pours into me, sometimes daily. Thank you to my kids who tag along for some events and know to be “quiet on the set” when Mommy is recording. Thank you to my husband who has been my best friend, biggest supporter, and a blessing to my life. 14 years in the game lover….we work hard to make this look easy. Last but certainly not least, thank you to myself, Tabs. I am proud of myself for the woman that I have become because I know how hard I fought to become her. Happy Birthday CocoaBrownCurlsXo, the universe is yours! Xo
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