Who needs Curl and Life goals anyway….

While I was recently watching an episode of ‘Grown-ish’ the character played by Halle Bailey (of the famous sisters duo group Chloe x Halle) stated “You can’t get curl and life goals in one weekend” and something about this statement stuck with me. It’s no secret, your girl stays BUSY. I’m a wife, a mother, a blogger, a brand ambassador, co-host of two successful blogs, FT Systems Analyst, daughter, sister, friend…I mean the list goes on forever. I spend so much of my time trying to prioritize a never ending list and I’m usually left feeling as though I’ve either dropped the ball on something (or someone) important or I’m left feeling undeniably exhausted from stretching myself too thin. Out side of what I HAVE to do, what I currently love to do is grow my personal brand as a lover of all things #curlslovelife. Is it true? Is obtaining curl AND life goals in one weekend impossible? Let’s take a moment to break down what that would look like for me shall we?

Friday’s be like….

As a systems analyst I’m proud to say I work for an amazing company that allows a lot of flexibility in my work schedule. Friday’s I typically work from home which allows me the opportunity to

A. Sleep in and not fight a morning rush hour 7 lane commute

B. Work from the comforts of my bed in my pj’s and hair in a messy top knot (Secured with my PuffCuff ofcourse! Use code ‘cocoa’ for 15% off your purchase)

C. Multitask client requests along with my own personal affairs such as pay bills, setup doctor’s appointment, video chat my girlfriends

I tend to jump from task to task focused on crossing at least 3-4 items from my never ending post-it-notes in hopes that I feel a sense of personal accomplishment before my 3pm alarm alerts me to the fact my kids will be running off that school bus soon. Post 3pm let’s add in hyper twins ready to tell me about their day and cram in as many random questions as they can possibly think of. 4pm brings in the oldest who will undoubtedly bring the argumentative energy into the now trio of kids. The next few hours are devoted to dinner plans, family time, showers, and me attempting to catch at least one hour of ‘me time’ to catch up on tv shows I’ve missed throughout the week. A girl has to keep her balance with ratchet-tv sometimes, right?!

Saturday’s are for Xo

Summit 21 Day 2 as a Txture Magazine Media guest

My first year as a SheaMoisture Brand Ambassador meeting CEO Rich Dennis

Oh, you thought I was going to say Saturday’s are for sleeping in, or better yet morning cartoons?! Not in the life of a mom-preneur trying to make her mark in this curly girl industry! Saturday’s are for networking events, photoshoots, hair shows, supporting my curlfriends, batch blogging (which I’m currently doing now), hair appointments, vlogging, editing said vlog, learning and growing!   Because my weekday’s are for wife-ing, mom-ing, and overall adult-ing my Saturday’s are for all things Cocoabrowncurlsxo! There are times I try to cram a week’s worth of brand focused items into a measly 12 hours. 12 hours is NOTHING when you’re “up against” other content creators who are able to dedicate their lives to this passion. (I use ‘up against’ loosely. I’m in my own lane! Let’s save that conversation for another blog another day!) One positive about living in Atlanta is there are always TONS of events to do in the city on a Saturday all.year.long. Fortunately for me, I’ve never been the type of girl that needs a date to anything so I tend to show up alone to random events that catch my attention and I get the opportunity to meet new men and women who share similar interests. If you’ve never tried this I promise, you are certainly missing out! Don’t let riding solo keep you from the blessing that is networking! Part of being a content creator is the ability to step outside of my shell and engage with others. I push my own limits every time I stand alone in a room and walk out with a few more friends, a few more followers, and a few more invites to a social event I wasn’t aware of. Trust me, TRY IT! I end my Saturday’s in my office sending follow up messages to those I’ve connected with, going Live on my social media platforms to talk about my day, ensuring I’ve hit ‘follow back’ to those who I have met and followed me throughout the day, and uploading any video footage I’ve taken to my computer to prep for editing and posting. I lay in my bed Saturday night’s exhausted but totally fulfilled because I’ve spent the day in a space that truly sets my soul on fire in the best way!

Love catching up with Mecca Gamble of Mecca Gamble Photography

Monifa Coffee of Txture Mag and I on set of Sister Circle Live

My sit-down interview with model Cairo












Sunday’s are for hair. Lot’s and lot’s of hair…

For someone who loves naturally curly hair as much as I do, I have to be honest when I say I really dread the weekly process of maintaining curly hair. For me it’s a little more involved, as not only do I have to maintain my own hair, but have you seen my twins?! I mean GEEZ! This process is NOT for the faint at heart or for anyone who struggles with repetition or detangling! It feels as though from sun up to sun down I am elbows deep in deep conditioner and aroma pleasing curl stylers. My Sunday hair sessions actually start late Saturday nights. What I failed to previously mention is that after I wash the day away on Saturday nights I also wash and deep condition my own hair in an effort to get a head start on Sunday’s madness. After detangling and applying my favorite deep conditioner, I put on my shower cap and wrap my hair in my Turbie Twist prior to going to bed. Although deep conditioning overnight isn’t

Photocredit: Kayla Madonna of Madonna Studios in Atlanta,

necessary, it’s a way for me to get ahead of my Sunday! I wake up Sunday Mornings and get right to work on the twins. Typically Ayva is first. To get a glimpse of her washday, check out our Mom and Daughter wash day using Deva Curl products here! Once Ayva is completed and settled under the dryer I get started on Ayson. I’ve said before that his hair is a detangling DREAM! A little bit of conditioner and water combination and his tangles just melt away. The struggle with Ayson is he dislikes anyone touching his hair which can make for a complicated hour of arguing and bargaining. Check out the process here! Once everyone is deep conditioned, dried and styled I typically end my Sunday’s trying to catch my breath and prepare for the upcoming week. I get a head start on my content calendar and go through pictures I’ve snapped from the weekend that I want to post and work on my captions.




Now that you’ve been given a glimpse into a typical weekend, what do you think?! Did I obtain curl AND life goals? What or who was left out? Could you consider this scenario a success? Where was the self care? When did I mention spending the much needed in person girlfriend time? Did I even have a moment to spend with my parents, or better yet a date night with my husband? These are things that I typically get accomplish during my weekday so I guess it’s all in a weekend’s work. Although not every weekend goes as designed this is a pretty typical weekend for me. I would say yes, YES I have been able to achieve curl and life goals in one weekend because I have an understanding that even accomplishing one or two things on my never ending list is an accomplishment for me. The fact that I can work hard and define my own happiness IS curl and life goals. The fact that after a successful Sunday washday my family and I get stopped in the grocery store by numerous strangers wanting tips on what products we use is a curl and life goal success story in itself. I have the love and support of my family along with a growing passion inside of me that allows me to connect with absolute strangers! Cheers to defining my own curl and life goals, as it’s all in a weekend’s worth of work.



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