About CocoaBrowncurlsxo
Hey Curl Friends! Let me start out by saying thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to check out my website COCOABROWNCURLSXO! The journey to get here has been much like my curls….full of twists and turns. Now that I’m here I know that I am right where I am supposed to be.
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Tabitha Wiggins but I go by Tabby, Tabs, Dear (gotta love my husband), and my favorite one of all…Mommy. I currently live in the metro Atlanta area with my husband of 7 years (love of my life for 12), and our 3 kids. You can check them out and all their quirks on our family page WiggedOut….I love my family, but enough about them…you came here to talk curls.
So where do I start? I’m a lover of all things curls, love, and life. I’ve been a “hair naturalista” all of my life but I will admit, I didn’t always embrace my natural curls. Growing up the only girl of 3, outside of Pittsburgh PA there weren’t many places I could look to for inspiration. It wasn’t until I moved to Atlanta and was overwhelmed with the array of chocolate girls like myself did I begin to rethink my perception of what is beautiful. In the Spring of 2011 I did what I never thought I could, and broke my mother’s heart at the same time. I chopped off my waist length straight hair and began my journey of happy healthy hair! Now I’m not going to say I made a choice and never looked back. I have certainly had my moments when I have loved my flat iron far more than I should have, and attempted a kitchen dye job on my own a time or two. But what has remained true all these years, is that I have learned so much about myself, and this journey goes far deeper than curl types and porosity levels. I learned that life changes, plans don’t always go as expected, that no amount of money can ever make you truly happy, you can find love in a place you NEVER expected, and to love the people who treat you right and pray for the rest.
Now although I could go on for days in this one meant to be introduction to who CocoaBrownCurlsXo is, I feel like it’s too hard to put it all in one place. Who I am as a woman, mother, friend, natural hair blogger has changed so much over the years. I pray that I continue to change in all the great ways that a person does as they continue their journey towards personal growth and success. So, with that being said I hope that you continue to follow my journey and get to know more about me as we talk curls, love, and life. Xo