Getting to Know Ajaa' Naturals Hair Care
As a natural hair product lover I'm always on the lookout for new lines to hit the market. A few years ago as I walked through Perimeter Mall here in Atlanta, I stumbled upon a natural hair and beauty store called Ajaa' Naturals (pronounced…

4 Things to Look for in a Curly Hair Salon
Gone are the days where I found myself tucked away under a dryer for what felt like eternity! The strong scents of chemical relaxers, burnt hair, and Blue Magic hair grease strong in my nose as I fell asleep with my head leaning against the…

Who needs Curl and Life goals anyway....
While I was recently watching an episode of 'Grown-ish' the character played by Halle Bailey (of the famous sisters duo group Chloe x Halle) stated "You can't get curl and life goals in one weekend" and something about this statement stuck with…

Retailers should Catch Up to Coil Beauty!
False Advertising on Aisle 3!
As a natural hair and beauty influencer, I am no stranger to the frustrations that come a long with the territory of lack in product selection and availabiity. It seems as though over the last few years big box…

3 Curly Kid Friendly Product Lines
As a mom of twins who both have super long curly hair, it has been important to me from the start to use products that were not only hydrating and followed the CG method, but were also kid friendly. Parents of curly kids know, wash day isn't…

So you're ready to transition. Now what?!
With the new year brings all of the new year resolutions and for many of you that includes finally committing to going natural. For various reasons, women all around the world have one by one decided to no longer manipulate their hair strands…

Here's why NYE Resolutions don't apply!
Two days left of 2018 and I am filled with 2,018 emotions. This year, like many others, was a complete whirlwind! I thank God that there were more highs than lows, more friends than foes, and I held onto a bit of sanity despite it all. The days…

Class of 2018 Sheabassador - My Year In Review
I'm known to give a strong side eye when I hear the phrase "It feels like just yesterday when..." because it is usually followed by some story that just seems to be a forced attempt to connect with an audience. However, and I say this as genuinely…

Greying Gracefully?! - My Natural Grey Hair Journey
It’s another Saturday night in and I’m about to start my normal weekend routine of laundry, food shopping, and of course…wash day. For over the past 7 years I have proudly navigated my natural hair journey. I have gone years at a time…

Tailoring my routine with Tailored Beauty!
Every so often a new product crosses my path that really grabs my attention. Last weekend I had the opportunity to join the Curlfluence team at Kinks and Curls ATL here in Atlanta for their Tailored Beauty in store event. Tailored Beauty,…